Food With Faces

Nathan Wild

When you look in your fridge, freezer or cupboard, how many faces can you put to your food?As we continue to explore the Kootenay foodscape we're getting a chance to know so many of our local farmers and artisans. And because we now have access to so much locally-grown food...

Eating Seasonally

Nathan Wild

Eating with the seasons is as old as time. But in the past 50 years most of us have decided to break free from this ancient cycle. We now want to eat foods from every season, all year long, even if it means eating food that was harvested months ago,...

Imperfect Vegetables

Nathan Wild

We just got our order of storage carrots from our friends and fellow farmers at Salix & Sedge Farm in Salmo. They had a particularly bad year for pests and their carrot crop took significant damage. To salvage their work they had to chop the tops off of almost every...

How The Italian Mafia Makes Millions From Canned Tomatoes

Nathan Wild

In this video by the Guardian they explain how organized crime in Italy has taken over large parts of the canned tomato industry.To make their factory farm operations profitable they bring in desperate immigrants from North Africa to work their fields. These farm workers do the brunt of the hard...