February 15, 2024

Nathan Wild


Update On Meat Prices

You may have noticed that some of our meat prices have been jumping around. We apologize for the confusion!

We're still ironing out the details with Granby Meat Company who is our new meat supplier. The reason the prices are jumping around is because the package weights from our first order were different from our latest order. Because the weights are different we have to change the prices accordingly.

For example, the beef jerky packs we got from Granby in our first order were 100 grams but in our last order they were 200 grams, so we had to increase the price. They're not more expensive there's just more in each pack this time!

We should have it all sorted out soon though so please bare with us!



Hard Red Wheat “Rice”

Description: Hard Red Wheat "Rice" has a beautiful brownish red colour. When cooked like rice the wheat berries become plump and tender with a firm and bouncy texture. The flavour is mild and nutty. If you're looking for a locally-grown rice substitute this is a great choice!


About Our Wheat "Rice"

Wheat "Rice" are whole grain wheat berries. These are the same wheat berries that we source from Fieldstone Organics Farm in Armstrong and mill into our fresh flours.

When soaked in water and cooked, wheat berries act as a great rice substitute. Not only is it more nutritious than white rice, it's also more flavourful and filling. Wheat "Rice" is also highly versatile. You can use it in soups, cold salads, hot breakfast cereal and rice pudding.

Detail: sold per pound.

Grown by Fieldstone Organics, Armstrong.



Heirloom Bean Chili 

This chili recipe features our heirloom dry beans from Unearthed Organics Farm in Vernon. The beans really make this chili stand out due to their extra creamy texture. There's also a touch of chipotle powder to add sa bit of complexity and warmth. This is a perfect meal for a chilly day!




Fake News 

This is not a story from The Onion. This was a real headline featured on many mainstream news outlets 😂

A study was conducted at the university of Michigan to see how much C02 emissions were produced by family gardens, community gardens and larger commercial-oriented urban farms compared to conventional large-scale farms.

They claim that locally-grown food produces significantly more C02 emissions compared to conventional farming. The CO2 emissions don't come from growing the food itself however, but from the infrastructure needed to grow the food.

Apparently building raised garden beds, garden sheds and creating garden pathways generates more than five times the C02 emissions compared to a conventional farm that uses tractors, pesticides, herbicides, mass transportation and warehousing. 

They then extrapolate that because the structures needed to grow local food produce more C02 that homegrown food is bad for the environment and we should all eat supermarket food instead. 

Makes sense 🙄


 🍅 Save up to $200 by joining our Farm Membership! 🍅Farm Members play a vital role in our farm business. By paying for food upfront you allow us to invest in seeds, new tools, equipment, ingredients, and infrastructure which greatly improves the overall financial stability of our farm. 



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