January 4, 2024

Nathan Wild


Our 2024 CSA Is Now Open! 🎉

How Does It Work?

With our CSA program you will receive credits for our online farm store along with a 10% discount on your purchase. With those credits you can order what you want, when you want and in whatever quantities that you want. 

By joining our CSA you are playing a vital role in our farm. Paying for food up front helps improve the overall financial stability of our farm and helps to ensure our long-term success. It allows us to invest in seeds, new tools, equipment, ingredients, and infrastructure which helps keep our farm profitable.


Here's How To Get Involved In Our CSA:

1. Order your CSA Credits by purchasing a CSA.

2. You will then be sent an email containing your 16 digit CSA Credit number.

3. Once you receive your CSA Credit number you can start placing orders in our online farm store.

4. Once you’ve built your order, simply enter your CSA Credit number during checkout in the “CSA Farm Credit ” section to pay for your order.

5. We will then deliver your order to your door on the designated delivery days for your area. That’s it! It’s super easy. You can start using your CSA Credits right away or whenever you like. They never expire.



6 Perks To Joining Our CSA

Save 10% when you sign up for our CSA Credits.

More choice and flexibility. With our CSA Credits you can order what you want, when you want, in the quantity that you want.

Less food waste. Traditional CSAs give you a set amount of produce every week. If you have a difficult time eating all of your produce during that week, that food can go to waste. With your CSA Credits you can order what you want in the amounts that best suit your needs.

Less confusion. There is no need to let us know when you’ll be out of town. You are free to order what you want, when you want it.

Share the love! You’re free to share your CSA Credit number with family members and friends.

Reloadable. Renew your CSA Credits when they run out for an additional 10% off!



10 Benefits Of Joining Our CSA

1. By choosing to invest in local farms you are helping to build a thriving local food system which will protect our community against future food shortages.

2. With our online ordering and farm-to-door delivery service, you’ll have easy and convenient access to the freshest and best tasting local produce and products.

3. You will get access to our wide-selection of baked goods made with our freshly milled flours, seasonal pantry items and beautiful seasonal flower bouquets made by us. These products will exclusively be available through our online farm store.

4. Confluence Farms offers a curated selection of the best locally produced food, sourced from local artisans and farmers. By supporting our farm you’re also supporting the network of small businesses and farmers that we work with.

5. We grow and source rare and unique varieties of fruits and veggies that you won't be able to find at a grocery store. This will give you the opportunity to explore different ingredients and flavours, improve your cooking skills and impress your family and friends with new and delicious dishes!

6. Fresh local food is the most nutritious food you can buy. By eating locally you can become a healthier and happier person.

7. Joining a CSA gives you the opportunity to get to know your farmer personally. Building a relationship with your farmer can make you feel like you're a part of the community.

8. Knowing your farmer is the best way to ensure that your food is being grown in a sustainable and ethical way.

9. By spending your money locally you keep money within the local economy which leads to more jobs and a thriving community in the long run.

10. Committing to eating locally is one easy action you can take to reduce your carbon footprint. 



New Collaboration Coming Next Week

We're excited to announce a new collaboration with Granby Meat Company out of Grand Forks! The owners of Granby also own PV Beef Ranch which has been in their family since 1972. Devin and Brittani are now third generation ranchers and have been running the ranch for the past 5 years.

Their cows diet consists mostly of fresh grass from the mountain range in the summer months. In the winter they're fed a mix of alfalfa, straw, corn silage and rolled barley which is all grown on-farm.

Local meat producers play a vital role in our community. We are thrilled to be able to work with Granby Meat Co and to give them the support that they deserve! 



Khorasan 'Rice' 

Description: Khorasan, also known as Kamut, is an ancient and unique grain which has been revived in recent years by dedicated grain farmers. It has a beautiful gold colour with an unusually large size.

When cooked like rice the grain becomes plump and tender with a firm and bouncy texture. The flavour is mild and nutty. If you're looking for a locally-grown rice substitute this is a great choice!

Detail: sold per pound.

Grown by Fieldstone Organics, Armstrong.


How To Cook

Instant Pot:

Soak grain overnight.

Add 1 cup water, 1 cup Khorasan.

Cook for 28 minutes in the Instant Pot.



Soak grains overnight. 

Add 1 cup Khorasan to 3 cups boiling vegetable broth or water. Reduce the heat to low.

Cover the pot, and let the soaked grains simmer for 30-40 minutes.

Your Khorasan is ready when it's chewy and tender. There may be some liquid left in the pot. Drain it off, and serve.


Holiday Cookie Box Sale 

We made a few too many Holiday Cookie Boxes so we've decided to put them on sale. They'll be 40% off until they sell out!



Potato & Leek Soup 

Soft chunks of potatoes with savoury leeks in a creamy broth makes this soup and undeniable winter classic!



Food For Thought 🍎

Peace Of Mind

When I look at my plate at breakfast, lunch or dinner I can put a name and a face to almost every ingredient. 

I don't have to worry about whether or not it was grown using a gentically modified seed or was sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, insecticides or fungicides. 

I don't have to wonder if the farmers who harvest the ingredients were paid a living wage or are trapped in slave-like working conditions. 

I don't have to think about how many liters of gas were used to transport these ingredients to my plate

I can just enjoy my food.

Eating local food grown by people you know has many hidden benefits. Peace of mind is one of them.